The Rexnord Addax Composite Cooling Tower Coupling delivers the best value for the cooling tower industry by providing excellent features such as:
» Corrosion resistance
» High-misalignment capacity
» Excellent fatigue resistance
» Low weight
» Ease of installation
Service & Support
Rexnord is the largest coupling manufacturer in the world and has the most comprehensive global sales and customer service team in the industry. Rexnord associates are experts in cooling tower coupling applications and are available to assist you 24/7 if an emergency arises.
Lead Time
Virtually every cooling tower coupling installation has unique coupling dimensions, therefore all Rexnord Addax coupling assemblies are “made to order” per customersupplied specifications. Even though each Rexnord Addax coupling is custom-made, Rexnord provides the absolute best standard lead time in the cooling tower industry — two weeks after receipt of order. As an added benefit, Rexnord offers an exclusive emergency expediting option that includes:
» Same day shipment
» Three-day shipments
» Five-day shipments
Our associates are continually improving our products by applying Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma methodology to add increased value to our products. Upon request, a certificate of material, certificate of balance and certificate of conformity can be provided for every Rexnord Addax coupling.
The Rexnord Addax Composite Cooling Tower Coupling is the most inexpensive product of its kind, while providing the most comprehensive list of product features and benefits. Combine the price and product features with Rexnord’s dedicated associates who provide an unprecedented level of service and support, and you will agree that the Rexnord Addax Coupling delivers the best value.